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Table 4 Representative Clinical Notes

From: Documentation of best interest by intensivists: a retrospective study in an Ontario critical care unit

Quartile (Word Count)

Representative Note

Lower (27)

"Spoke with son, provided consensus decision. No CPR, do not give cardiac shock, do not increase level of care. It was very clear supportive care will be provided."

Median (51)

"I met with entire family and explained patient's poor prognosis. I explained that Neurosurgery does not have anything to offer at this time. I introduced the idea of organ/tissue donation and family will discuss this. I also suggested DNR but family was not ready for this at this time."

Upper (78)

"Further discussion with daughter (next of kin). RN present. Updated on clinical course over previous 24 hours and re iterated that Ms. condition remains critical. Daughter feels that Ms. condition has progressively deteriorated over the previous few months and emphasized that her mother would not want further escalation of treatment/intubation +ventilation. Daughter also stated that given the multiple current issues on a background of Ms. 's pre-admission co morbidities she feels further treatment and intervention would be futile and wishes for us to withdraw care. Therefore, plan for withdrawal of care, d/c levophed infusion, comfort measures only."