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Table 1 Excerpt of the informed consent form showing the explanation of the advanced behavioral management techniques

From: Mothers’ perceptions of their child’s enrollment in a randomized clinical trial: Poor understanding, vulnerability and contradictory feelings





Physical restraint

Your child will be wrapped in a sheet so s/he does not move and so is not at risk of getting hurt during treatment. You can stay with him/her during the treatment, which will be performed in the dental clinic in as many sessions as needed.

No medication is used.

It can cause stress and more serious emotional problems such as dental trauma, fear or phobia.

Moderate (“conscious”) sedation

Your child will receive the sedative midazolam, administered orally 20 minutes before the procedure, which will be performed in the dental school in as many sessions as needed. In this case, an anesthesiologist will accompany the child. You can stay with him/her during treatment, and s/he will also be wrapped in a sheet to prevent any injury.

It can relieve suffering during dental treatment, cause amnesia regarding the procedure and so improve the quality of care.

It can cause nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, agitation in children (paradoxical reaction), dizziness, irritation in the post-operative period, allergies to the sedative, longer action of the sedative; serious respiratory and/or cardiac depression is rare.

General anesthesia

Your child will have a pre-anesthetic evaluation by an anesthesiologist and a pediatrician and will be admitted in the university hospital for one day to have all the treatment completed in one session. In this case, hospital staff will perform the anesthesia.

It can relieve suffering during dental treatment, cause amnesia regarding the procedure and so improve the quality of care.

It can be related to sore throat, hoarseness, nausea, vomiting, gastric aspiration, eye lesion, oral lesion, allergic reaction, hospital infection, changes in breathing/pressure/pulse, cardiopulmonary depression, neurological lesion, and death.