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Table 2 Semi-structured interview guide

From: Mothers’ perceptions of their child’s enrollment in a randomized clinical trial: Poor understanding, vulnerability and contradictory feelings

Phase 1 – after the informed consent process, before the randomization


Did you already know about these three techniques of guiding the child’s behavior during dental treatment: protective stabilization, moderate sedation and general anesthesia?


a. If YES, please explain how you learned about them.


b. If NO, did you understand the explanations in the informed consent process?


c. Please explain in your own words what you understand about each of them.


If you could choose one of the three techniques, what would it be? Why did you make this choice?


What do you think about using the protective stabilization during your child’s dental treatment?


What do you think about sedating your child for dental treatment?


What do you think about your child being referred to general anesthesia to receive dental treatment?

Phase 2 – after the randomization


How did you feel during the drawing? And about the drawing result?


How do you think your child will behave during the dental appointment considering the technique drawn?