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Table 1 Indicators for study participation as classified according to groups and the rational or interpretation for analyses.

From: Study participants incentives, compensation and reimbursement in resource-constrained settings



Rational and Interpretation


Study participation indicators



"Willing participation" Proportion of attendance during which samples were collected (as observed by community-based health staff).

Indicator for the intention to willingly participate. Indirect indicator to measure contentment and awareness.


"Obtaining all required samples" Proportion of samples obtained during the study (as observed by research staff).

Individuals readily available and provide the required samples. Considered to be a more reliable indicator for actual attendance than "willing participation."


"Samples available on incentive days" Proportion of samples obtained during which an incentive was given out (judgment by research staff after observing trends of the samples given for each study visit and at all follow-up visits).

Considered the most reliable indicator for need to be compensated. Research staff working in the community later administered questionnaire after the observations of samples available on day incentives were given out, during the time points compensation was available and days thereafter the news has filtered out of the incentive.


"Community Advisory Board members persuasion" the occurrence of samples during and after CABs talking to adult participants.

Indicates behavioral change due to CABs talk/chat. Reflects an increase or a decrease in number of samples during the period.


School children participation

"Provision of blood samples" Present at school and availability of blood sample on the day bleeding is conducted.

Identifies school children providing any other none invasive samples during the study follow-up period.


"Treatment days" Total number of participants treated during the day's treatment was recorded.

Identifies proportion of participants with observed participation during treatment days.