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Table 2 International guidelines on the involvement of minors in health research

From: Assent, parental consent and reconsent for health research in Africa: thematic analysis of national guidelines and lessons from the SickleInAfrica registry

International Guideline


Requirements for parental consent

Re consent at age of adulthood

Emancipated Minors

Waiver of Assent/Parental Consent

Declaration of Helsinki

All vulnerable populations

Consent required from a legally authorized representative

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

CIOMS Guidelines

Tailored to the child’s or adolescent’s level of maturity

A parent or a legally authorized representative

Re-consent when a minor reaches the legal age of maturity during the research

Not specified

A REC may waive requirements for assent/parental consent if:

•The research would not be feasible or practicable to carry out without the waiver

•The research has important social value, and

the research poses no more than minimal risks to

UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

Generic-all vulnerable populations

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified

International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice. 2017

Age of assent should be consistent with local legal requirements

Minors of appropriate intellectual maturity should sign and date either the assent or informed consent form

Parental consent should be obtained in accordance with regional laws or regulation

informed consent for continued participation is required once a child reaches the age of legal consent

Emancipated or mature minors (defined by local laws) may give autonomous consent

Not specified