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Table 7 Scenario 3 justifications for consent choices

From: The acceptability of conducting data linkage research without obtaining consent: lay people’s views and justifications

Scenario 3 - health & criminal records data linked by experts

Consent justifications

No consent justifications

Sensitivity of data requires that consent be obtained (2)a

Acceptable practice because of the benefits (15)

The more sensitive the data, the greater the need to obtain consent (2)

Use of de-identified data does not require consent (12)

Practical considerations of obtaining consent from thousands (5)

People have right to choose (1)

Given the difficulties in obtaining consent, it is best to conduct research as benefits would be great (4)

Not seeking consent infringes privacy (1)

Consent should be sought for all research (1)

Research focusing on issues such as violence, which affects others/the whole community, justifies not obtaining consent (3)

Mental health issues do not warrant not obtaining consent from participant or authorised carer (1)

Strict measures/guidelines provide protection (2)

The need for large number of participants is no excuse for not considering obtaining consent (1)

Acceptable to do mental health research without consent (2)

Consent not very important where safety issues are concerned (2)

Research involving ‘vulnerable’ people requires consent (1)

When you weigh up individual vs. community benefits, community benefits here are greater (1)

If there is a legal guardian, consent should probably be sought (1)

No harm to individuals because they will not be named (or ‘outed’) (1)

No impact on participants, who will be unaware that their data were used (1)

Some participants cannot consent (1)

Trying to get consent (including from relatives) could delay research, which

should be done promptly because if its nature (1)

Some participants may not have guardians (1)

  1. aBracketed numbers reveal the number of participants offering each justification