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Table 2 Themes and Categories

From: The obstacles to organ donation following brain death in Iran: a qualitative study



Inadequate knowledge about brain death and organ transplantation from a dead body

Lack of knowledge about brain death

Lack of knowledge about the benefits of organ donation

Lack of knowledge about organ donation process

Cultural beliefs

One’s soul may not rest in peace if the whole corpse is not buried

Opening a human’s body is disrespectful to the corpse

One is alive as long as the heart is working and the body is warm

Religious beliefs

If one’s organs are transplanted into another person, all the sins of the receiver will be counted as the donor’s sins.

Killing a soul is forbidden by the religion (Haram)


Belief in miracle

Deficiencies of requesting process

Lack of a sympathetic atmosphere

Lack of counseling services about organ donation

Lack of adequate mental support by the relatives

Lack of persistence for organ donation

Fear and concern

Fear of regret

Fear of others’ reaction

Fear of future tensions in the family

Inability to make decision

Limited time to think

Disagreement among the family members

Lack of knowledge about the brain-dead patient’s attitude about organ donation

Lack of trust in the medical personnel

Social learning

Lack of public information efforts about organ donation by the media

Not a common practice

No similar case happened to relatives and friends