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Table 1 Admissibility requirements for forgoing treatment established by the Yokohama District Court in the Tokai Casea

From: Forgoing life-sustaining treatment – a comparative analysis of regulations in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and England

Three admissibility requirements for forgoing LST

1. The patient has no hope of recovery and death is imminent.

2. It is desirable that the patient has declared his or her wishes when forgoing treatment is considered an option. It is permissible to presume the family’s will to be the patient’s will, provided that the patient’s family makes a deliberate decision that takes into consideration the patient’s perspective.

3. Treatments that can be forgone include all treatments considered to be curative measures, supportive measures, or LST, e.g., drug administration, chemotherapy, artificial dialysis, artificial ventilator, blood transfusion, and artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH).

  1. aThe term they actually use in the decision is “stop treatments (chiryo chushi),” but because there appears to be no distinction in the decision between withholding treatments and withdrawing them, we interpreted the word “stop” to mean “forgoing”