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Table 2 Participant Views and Underlying Principles for Resource Allocation

From: Ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for scarce radiotherapy resources

Participant Views

Relevant Allocation Principle

Curative benefit should drive radiotherapy prioritization

Utilitarian goal of saving the most lives

Life expectancy after cure should be considered

Utilitarian goal of saving the most life-years

Children should be given a chance to live more life stages

Prioritarian goal of favoring “youngest first”

Duty to alleviate immediate suffering with palliative radiotherapy

Moral and professional duty (deontology); Prioritarian goal of favoring “sickest first” or Rule of Rescue

Contributors to society (e.g. mothers) should be prioritized

Instrumental social value

High risk behaviors (e.g. tobacco use) should be penalized

Social value and reciprocity

Impoverished patients should be prioritized

Social justice